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Sung Kug Na

Professor of Practical Theology

D.Min., Reformed Theological Seminary

Th.M., Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

M.Div., Chong Shin Theological Seminary

B.A., Dae Shin University


Seongcheol Paeng

Professor of General Education

Ph.D. Candidate. Claremont Graduate University

M.A., Korea University Graduate School

B.S., Korea University

Kang Won Lee


Chief Executive Officer

Simon K. Song

Vice President

Dean of Administration & Business Affairs

D.O.M., Stanton University

Ph.D., Yuin University

M.S., Dongguk-Royal University
B.S., Seoul National University

HeeKap Lee

Dean of Academic Affairs

Professor of Practical Theology

Ph.D., Indiana University

M.A., Cincinnati Bible Seminary

M.A., Yon Sei University, Seoul, Korea

B.A., Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea

Joseph LoMusio

D.Min. Director

Senior Professor of Old Testament

Ph.D., Newport University

M.A., Talbot School of Theology

B.A., Arizona Christian University

Jerrard C. Heard

M.A./M.Div. Director

Professor of Historical Theology

Ph.D., University of Wales

M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary

M.A., Southern Illinois University

B.A., Mississippi State University

Jae Hoon Choi

B.A. Director

Professor of Systematic Theology

D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary

M.Div., Hanshin University

BE., Chonbuk National University.


James Koo

G.E. Director

Professor of General Education

D.B.A., Pacific States University

M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary

MBA, Graduate School of Dongguk University

B.S., Korea University

Wade L. Whitcomb

Senior Professor of New Testament

D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary, CA

M.Div., Talbot School of Theology

B.S., Biola University

Charles Lee Irons

Senior Professor of New Testament

Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, CA
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles


HeeKyu Choi

Professor of Practical Theology

D.Min.,Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi

Th.M., International Theological Seminary

    Th.M., Westminster Theological Seminary

       B.A., Calvin Theological College of Seminary

B.A., Free Church of Scotland College

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Lawrence Wilkes

Professor of Old Testament

Ph.D., California Graduate School of Theology

M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

B.A., Sioux Falls University

B.R.E., Providence College


Haven University exists to bring glory to God through excellence in theological and in business leadership education. An education centered on Christ, faithful to the Scriptures, and rooted in the historical-theological tradition, with the aim of equipping Christian leaders advancing the kingdom of God throughout the world.

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Orange County

Main Campus

12761 S Euclid

Garden Grove, CA 92840

Irvine Satellite Site


4860 Irvine Blvd. #205

Irvine, CA. 92620

Los Angeles Satellite Sites

3055 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 985

Los Angeles, CA 90010

3650 Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018

Nevada Satellite 

8020 W. Sahara Suite 140

Las Vegas, NV. 89117


International Satellite Sites

274 Ladphrao Rd. 

Bangkok, Thailand

115/77Moo7, Tambon Padad

Chiang Mai, Thailand

12/12 Moo4 Wat Pradu

Sub District

Surat Thani, Thailand




Orange County

Main Campus

Haven Administration

12761 S Euclid

Garden Grove, CA 92840

714.592.7878  English

714 636.1725 - Fax

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