HeeKap Lee
Dean of Academic Affairs
Professor of Practical Theology
Ph.D., Indiana University
M.A., Cincinnati Bible Seminary
M.A., Yon Sei University, Seoul, Korea
B.A., Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea

Charles Lee Irons
Senior Professor of New Testament
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, CA
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles

HeeKyu Choi
Professor of Practical Theology
D.Min.,Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi
Th.M., International Theological Seminary
Th.M., Westminster Theological Seminary
B.A., Calvin Theological College of Seminary
B.A., Free Church of Scotland College

Lawrence Wilkes
Professor of Old Testament
Ph.D., California Graduate School of Theology
M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
B.A., Sioux Falls University
B.R.E., Providence College